4/17/17 reply for the 2nd developer response; Okay, thanks for the answers. No need to use feedback, we were just chatting a bit :) I hope someday youll figure out how to make Vox even better with support every kind(types?) of music, in every ways, on every platform, and adding as much features as Vox can drive it. P.S. no need to angry, Im just a Concerned consumer, who wishes the best in what Vox can do. (and the one of many others who wants the most from this kind of app. expl;Apple Music??? ). 4/16/17 reply to the developer response; Yes, I like it. Very. Since macOS first version. Yes, its a Superb music player for iOS that feature first class quality. BUT only for LOCAL files. If I were indifferent to the Vox, I wouldnt write these things over and over again. I just dont understand why this is not possible, Ive seen many applications that perfectly support this feature. CESIUM by Mike Clay as example. Even the old buggy Scrobbler can stream Apple Music ? Yes, I just open scrobbler.app and can navigate through my whole music library in iCloud, choose songs, and play them. Without downloading them offline. Right from the app. Try it, and youll be surprised ? So, I dont think that what you said about possibility of adding Apple Music support is true. I think you dont want to add this feature, because of your own In-app alternative cloud "LOOP". You just want to force people to use your OWN platform. Thats why. Give us at least iTunes Match free DRM support ?? But thanks for the reply; give you + ⭐️ Update 2.1.7(4/14/17); YouTube is gone....well...at least you still can give us integrated Apple Music feature ? btw why is app so huge??? Update 2.1.4+++ ; Vox still cant play any song from Apple Music library or iTunes Match. LOL.... Update 2.01; 12/11/16 Still does not work with Apple Music.? Even when downloaded all tracks for offline. Vox just showing me in my playlist a couple of them-just FEW, but there are 800+ downloaded and available for listening songs! In one single playlist! thats all. Too bad :( So, If you want to stream your whole library like Apple Music, then this app IS WORTHLESS. Even if your music is downloaded for offline listening - It wont let you play this music anyway!!! ? ? ? Update 28.6.16 Ver.1.5 STILL NO Apple Music. Shame???